Saturday, February 17, 2007

New Sculpture - "Hot line to the Hereafter"

Thought you might be interested in my new sculpture "Hotline to the Hereafter"

A modified intercom from early 20th century. Visually reinvented with "modern" technological touches to give a hint that this might be an object from an alternative history*. The red light winks rapidly when the device is in standby. On lifting the hand-piece from the cradle the connecting lead base glows orange and the listener is presented with purely random white-noise. An Atheist riposte in an increasingly religious world.

* maybe the Steampunk literary genre

Will be on show at Gallery-s (UK)( 4th March for 4 weeks.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Solo Exhibition Publicity - Derbyshire Life

Gallery-S have a big article in Derbyshire Life Magazine this month. I was interviewed for the feature but the editor ran out of room and so I have been promised some space in month's issue. At least I got the biggest paintings picture in the article, see below. Images kept low-res so if you really want to read the article you will need to buy the magazine!

The picture below is the advertising for exhibition in the same issue of Derbyshire Life and includes the advert for the photographer who's exhibition follows mine at Gallery-S.

Only three weeks to go!

Solo Exhbition Publicity - Country Images

Publicity in a local magazine called "Country Images" for my forthcoming exhibition at Gallery-S.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Solo Exhibition 4th March 2007 at (Gallery-S)

I'm glad to say that my broken wrist has now improved considerably and I can now Blog again. I have also started painting and sculpting again recently so expect more pictures on this Blog soon. As Craig has previously announced I have my first Solo Exhibition on Sunday 4th March at Gallery-S (Gallery-S web site). You are welcome to join me at the preview reception in the afternoon, it all starts at 12 pm. Please spread the word!

Text is as follows;

You are invited to a Solo Exhibition of the paintings of Gareth Buxton entitled "Out of Control" Gareth's mesmerising landscapes are inspired by places, memories and emotions. His stunning paintings are often wild, dark and rainy, and he finds more beauty in a stormy sea than in a glorious sunset. As well as a large selection of landscapes he will also be showing a number of his sculptures. This more personal work is created by embedding wire, tubes and components into the torn surfaces of canvases. Through this medium he explores themes of genetics, mortality and identity. Last year was a busy one for Gareth, as his work featured in eight UK exhibitions including Liberte d'Expression at Canary Wharf and the Leicester City Gallery Open exhibition. You are invited to the preview at Gallery-S on Sunday 4th March between 12 noon and 4pm. For directions and parking see web site at